District Governor's Official Visit 2015-16

2015-2016 Rotary District 7510 Governor Hal Daume
On August 27, 2015, at a regular meeting of the Rotary Club of Roselle - Roselle Park, 2015-2016 Rotary District 7510 Governor Hal Daume came for his official visit. This Rotary tradition - The District Governor’s Official Visit - gives the Rotary District Governor a chance to interact personally with each of the 39 clubs and 1,100 Rotarians of central Jersey Rotary District 7510.
Aside from the club Rotarians, community dignitaries representing the Mayor’s of Roselle and Roselle Park as well as members of the scouting community of Roselle and Roselle Park were on hand.
Highlights of the visit included:
- A presentation of the Rotary Theme Pin for 2015-2016 - Be a Gift to the World - by Governor Hal Daume to Roselle Park Boy Scout David Levine and Roselle Park Cub Scout Charles Levine, Jr.
- Governor Hal presented Rotary Club President Steve Leonard and members of the Roselle Scouting Community the IFSR Youth Service Award. The Rotary Club of Roselle - Roselle Park has been granted the IFSR Youth Service Award as a result of an article published in the June 21, 2015, TAP into Roselle - Roselle Park. **
- Denise Garry, Roselle-Roselle Park Rotarian, presented to a representative of the Community FoodBank of New Jersey with a check from Investors Savings Bank for $2,000 in support of the Rotary Club initiative called the BackPack Project. For more information on BackPack see www.roselle-roselleparkrotary.org
**This article may be downloaded from https://www.tapinto.net/articles/roselle-roselle-park-rotarys-donates-to-girl-sco.This award may be downloaded from http://scouters.us/ifsr/downloads/YSA/Roselle-RosellePark2015.pdf. To learn more about the IFSR Youth Service Award and to download the award from the IFSR website, go to: http://scouters.us/ifsr/pages/awards.html#anchorYOUTHSERVICE.
Special credit is given to Saul Qersdyn of Roselle Park News for his exceptional coverage of the event. See his article at http://www.roselleparknews.org/the-rotary-club-of-roselle-roselle-park-service-above-self/. Many of the photos in our photo album come to us courtesy of Mr. Qersdyn.
See more in our photo album entitled, District Governor’s Official Visit.