Ti'Ana Smith is the newest member of Rotary Roselle-Roselle Park. Ms. Smith, a resident of Roselle, is a student at Kean University studying to become a social worker. She is a graduate of Linden High School.
At Kean, Ti'Ana is completing her second year. She intends to work in the field. Her studies now include Clinical Social Work Practice, Research, and School Based Social Work.
She joined Rotary to make a difference and already is doing so. Ti'Ana is already helping an editor on the club's website, www.roselle-roselleparkrotary.org. She also volunteered to be a liaison to a Rotary regional initiative, Rotary Club of Mental Health Advocates & CCI Community Connection Initiative, “Spreading Awareness on Substance Use Disorder and Offering Recovery Resources.”
The Rotary Club of Roselle Park is a service organization which has served the twin boroughs of Roselle-Roselle Park since 1923 - 100 years! The club motto is Doing Good Things Together. The only qualification for joining is that you are a good person who wishes to make a difference in the community, the world and in the lives of others. See what we do at roselle-roselleparkrotary.org, and join our cause!