Pictured seated in the first row with Rotary Club President for 2023/24 Donna Eleazer (center) are (from left to right) Abigail Liong of RCHS, Leila Torres Garcia of RPHS, Julia Tribiano of RPHS, Alyssa Miller of ACHS, Nicholas Salamao of RCHS and Alex Garcia of ACHS. Others in the photo include Rotarians, parents and siblings of the honorees and school guidance counselors.
Roselle, NJ - The Rotary Club of Roselle/Roselle Park presented Students of the Month Awards to six deserving seniors from Abraham Clark High School, Roselle Park High School and Roselle Catholic at a breakfast meeting on November 30, 2023 at the Anthony Amalfe Community Center 1268 Shaffer Avenue Roselle, NJ.
The Club presented three students awards for October and three students awards for November. Each student was recognized for their scholastic achievement, school-based and extra-curricular activities, and their service to others.
Donna Eleazer, Rotary Club President presented the awards to each recipient and stated, “Rotary Roselle-Roselle Park has a long tradition of honoring high school seniors for their dedication to one of Rotary’s most coveted ideals, that of service to others. In fact Rotary’s motto is Service Above Self.”
Pictured seated in the first row with Rotary Club President for 2023/24 Donna Eleazer (center) are (from left to right) Abigail Liong of RCHS, Leila Torres Garcia of RPHS, Julia Tribiano of RPHS, Alyssa Miller of ACHS, Nicholas Salamao of RCHS and Alex Garcia of ACHS. Others in the photo include Rotarians, parents and siblings of the honorees and school guidance counselors.
Students of the Month is a service project of the Rotary Club of Roselle-Roselle Park honoring a senior from each of the high schools in Roselle and Roselle Park, including Roselle Park High School and Roselle’s Abraham Clark High School and Roselle Catholic High School. Each student receives a personalized plaque commemorating the occasion, a gift card to Barnes and Noble and an opportunity to speak to the group outlining their service to school and community and their academic successes.
The project is coordinated by Rotarian Sarah Costa, Principal of Roselle Park High School. Rotarian Julie Pinho created the program for the Rotary club years ago. Courtney Washington shepherded the program through the Covid Pandemic. Current Rotary President continues the tradition.
(Photo by Bob Zeglarski)
The Rotary Club of Roselle Park is a service organization which has served the twin boroughs of Roselle-Roselle Park since 1923 - 100 years! The only qualification for joining is that you are a good person who wishes to make a difference in the community, the world and in the lives of others. See what we do at www.roselle-roselleparkrotary.org, and join our cause.